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Detox combo


The Detox Skin Combo includes a scrub and a detox mask that work together to deeply cleanse and purify the skin.

Its highly recommended to use this combo once every fortnight (15 days).

  1. Jab’s Walnut Scrub: JAB ‘s Walnut scrub is a gentle exfoliating product that helps to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and impurities from the skin’s surface. It contains natural ingredients that gently buff away dead skin cells, leaving the skin feeling smooth and refreshed. The scrub also helps to unclog pores, allowing other skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  2. JAB’s Glowtox Mask: The detox mask is a deep-cleansing treatment that helps to draw out impurities and toxins from the skin. It contains ingredients like French Pink clay that help to absorb excess oil and impurities from the skin’s surface. The mask also helps to tighten pores and improve the skin’s texture, leaving it looking and feeling smoother and more radiant. When used together, the scrub and detox mask work synergistically to provide a deep-cleansing and purifying treatment for the skin.

Note: Dry skin people can mix few drops of our Brightening Essence with the Glowtox mask.

Do not use any makeup/avoid  direct sunlight after detox.

Wash mask with plain cold water.Do not use Cleanser/bars.

After washing of mask apply thin layer of Jab glow cream only. Do not top with too many products.

1 review for Detox combo

  1. Sakshi

    Amazing combo, the scurb did wonders on my strawberry legs too. mix a lil rosewater with this clay for perfect consistency and avoid dry skin.

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